Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 86 post-womb

The pair of giants continue to take me to new places. Mostly they have
pushed me around in my rollable chair with the cover down so I do not
have to look at the unwashed masses. This latest place is warmer and I
have decided to call it Aliceland. It was a 4 hour flight from New
South Aliceton. I hear that there is another place here named after
me, but I won't make it there this trip.

Today was a new adventure where they took me on a boat out to sea. The
fuzzy giant turned a particular shade of green. I tried to cheer him
up with smiles and giggles but he just stared out the window while
alternating shades of green. That left me with only a staff of one to
get things done. Good help is so hard to find.

I hear tomorrow a trip to a mountain top via something called a "gone
da la". It sounds French so I don't care for it. The trip back will be
a more civilized train. Hopefully they will have a car just for me.

I continue to enjoy the entertainment system at my villa. The staff
refer to it as a "ceiling fan", but that does not do it justice in all
the joy it brings. I cannot wait to see what it will do tomorrow.

I now must retire to my green sleeping chamber for my eyes are heavy.

Cordially yours,

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