Wednesday, 21 May 2014

From the desk of Alice - Rituals and Cleansing

My Dearest friends,

I have been working at becoming more able to blend into The Giant's culture. Part of this has been learning specific phrases in Giantese to recite at the appropriate time. Some examples include "Please", "Thank you" - which I often shorten to the less formal "sanks!", and "Daddy, no teasin!". I am lead to believe that these are universal phrases that I will be able to use anywhere Giants roam.

In order to increase my independence from The Giants I have also been practicing proper washroom technique. This includes toilet setup, disrobing, taking care of my business, cleaning myself, robing, and hand washing. The Giants have been greatly relieved when they overcame their poor communication skills and were finally able to convey that order is important for this process. Taking care of business before disrobing is generally frowned upon.

Part of the responsibilities that I've taken on is training Isaac to be the best assistant he can be to me. This includes being able to function under high levels of audio and visual stimulation. To this end, I've been wearing bright colours, moving quickly while making lots of noise. Since this training technique is too complicated to explain to The Giants, I had to chose my own garments.

Never stand still. Never be quiet.
Another difficult thing about training Giants is that you have to ensure that you've exercised them sufficiently. Fortunately the weather has warmed up which has allowed us to spend more time out of doors. After doing quite of a bit of research, I've determined that a mix of: Giants pushing me in a stroller, Giants carrying me, Giants running after me, and the occasional riding of a Giant to be the best mix of exercise for them.

Always insist to ride a Giant beside expansive fields of flowers
After that, I always try to schedule some downtime for The Giants to rest, relax, and prepare my next meal while also cleaning the house. I insist upon the cleanest surface in order to spread out my toys.
Giants need to be shown the types of gardens I expect around my home
Alas friends, I must end my letter here as I feel nature calling. Until the next time we meet,
Yours always,

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The Chronicle of Isaac - In The Beginning


I have made my journey to this land just as the winter was dealing it's last blow before retreating. Many would say that I have brought the sunshine and warmth that will grow their crops and warm their children. They would be correct, for it is I, Isaac. Some are so dazzled by my vibrant presence that they refer to me as "son".

Behold my dazzling presence
After my long journey, I had a great thirst that I've found difficult to satisfy. They have an amazing drink here called "milk". It's by far the breast drink that I have ever tried. In my every waking moment I desire it. I have to admit that I often drink until I've had my fill, and perhaps a bit more. Even to the point of passing out.

I have been fortunate because The Alice has gone before me and made ready for my arrival. The Giants have begun their training and have been working to keep me amused. The Alice has also captured a fluffy lion as a gift to mark our first meeting. I am unsure when I will be able to ride it, but in the meantime I have been seeking a saddle. Trust me on this, you do not want to ride an unsaddled lion.

Remember friends - always saddle your lion
As most of my time before my arrival was spent in a neutral buoyancy environment, I am still getting used to the gravity. To help me acclimatize to this change, The Giants regularly put me into a high G centrifuge. It is referred to as the "pink princess swing". Despite my occasional protests, I grow bored of the motion and am forced to rest my eyes.

I have taken up the sport of Giant riding. It is a difficult skill to master as it requires a bond between the adept rider and a willing and obedient Giant. Like many sports, there is a required dress code. Below you will see a depiction of me in a hat covered with tiny pink and red flowers. "The Flowers" is a local Giant riding club that only permits the bravest and boldest riders to wear their colours.

Giant Riding: the sport of kings
Farewell until our next meeting!