Tuesday, 29 October 2013

From the desk of Alice - XY

My Dearest friends,

I write to you today with happy news. The Giants inform me that the new recruit will be a different configuration than myself - a boy. Ultra will have something that, when The Giants described it, sounded like an eleventh finger in an odd place.

Black and white outfits are all the rage this season
The good news about this of course is that I will be able to use all the clothes that are too small for me to outfit Dolly and Mr. Bunny.

Of course I was there to observe the movie making and critique the camera operator. They use way too much goo. However, part way through the project I realized that I have previous commitments that needed to be addressed and had to leave. I mean, Cheerios don't eat themselves.

(Note from The Fuzzy Giant: for the video below you'll need flash)

Alas, I must bid you farewell,
Yours always,